Midwifery Services
The choice of who attends the birth of your child is a special one, and I look forward to meeting with you to help you make that important decision. As a midwife, I am interested not only in your current physical progress in pregnancy, but how you are doing in all aspects of your life. I will be available to you anytime to discuss concerns, questions or worries you have.
Philosophy of Childbirth
I believe that birth is a sacred, miraculous transformation from one realm to another. It is both physical and spiritual.
It is divinely created to be a perfect, safe and strengthening process. Babies are very aware, sensitive, intelligent beings and must be treated with tender loving care.
Imprinting and bonding are real; and interfering with either may cause lifelong emotional damage to both mother and baby.
Satsfied Clients
Hear from some of Liz’s clients on their pregnancy and birth experiences and their interactions with her as a midwife.
Contact Elizabeth
Elizabeth Smith, LDEM, CPM | St. George, Utah | (435) 632-8998